Plant tycoon download full
Plant tycoon download full

plant tycoon download full

Cross-pollinating different species produces increasingly valuable, but more fragile, hybrids.The game's beginning soil is suitable only for the common plants.On fast speed, plants will be fully mature and ready for pollination in less than 1 hour. Use the fast game speed only when you are actively playing or can check on your plants frequently, and pause the game if you will be away from it for more than a day. Use the game's speed settings to adjust plant growth to fit your schedule.

plant tycoon download full

This list of hints and tips will help you develop your own successful strategy for playing Plant Tycoon! Many of those chemicals can greatly speed your quest for the Magic Plants of Isola! Once you have sufficient cash and Soil from Isola, you can freely cross-pollinate any plants in your greenhouse and begin experimenting with the chemicals in the shop.This soil will allow you to grow more fragile hybrids and experiment more effectively with cross-pollination. Continue to plant, grow, and self-pollinate your money-makers until you have enough money to purchase the Bio-organic Soil. Soil upgrades are the most vital purchase in your quest for the rarer and more valuable plants.If not, you can save the other seeds for later, when you have better soil. It's a good idea to plant only one of a new kind of seed to make sure that it will thrive in the soil you have. If you like, you can experiment with cross-breeding one or two plants to see if you can get some seeds that will grow well in the starting soil, but you need to primarily breed plants that you know will survive and produce money.Treat only plants that are worth the cost of the poison. Each dose of poison can cost more than the plant is worth. If any of your plants get infested early in the game, it's usually better to trash them instead of spending money on insect poison.After you harvest all of the seeds that are produced, sell the parent plants. It�s a good idea to self-pollinate the other plants and save the resulting seeds to use later, when you want to expand your breeding program. When the plants are mature, self-pollinate the most valuable plants to produce more seeds for those plant species.You can use the initial supply of growth chemicals to speed the growth of your first plants. Go to the Gardening Supplies shop, buy the 3 common seeds, and plant them. Plant the 4 seeds that you find in you Seed Tray, as well as the 4 seeds in your Seed Storage screen.To get a very successful start in Plant Tycoon: If you spend too much money on the wrong things, your plants will die and you'll have no money left to buy seeds and supplies (that's when you have to start all over with a new game). Even in the beginning of the game, there are common ones that will produce cash faster. Pay attention to the prices you are getting for certain plants and pick the ones that are the most lucrative to breed and sell. There are a lot of 'nice-to-have' things in the game, but don't purchase them until you have gotten a good start and are producing enough money. Overall Strategy Hints: (No spoilers.) The secret to a successful start is patience! You need to breed and sell common plants until you have enough money to purchase the better soils that will support the more fragile hybrid plants.

Plant tycoon download full